Sometimes feel sad over the fact...
That nothing is perfect in the world... have faith...
As everything is just Beautiful in its own way~


Sunday, April 12, 2009


Today went for a hike somewhere near simpang pulai...
visited the orang asli village on the way upthere...
wow...since november last year i have been hiking with inteyo...
and i will say that this is the most unforgetable one for me...
the way upthere was already a tough one...
and the way down was...OH MY GOD!
going down was actually not an easy part...
and what make thing rained!
oh gosh...the way was filled with mud and so slippery...
every step i took was done in extreme cautious...
owh tell the truth...the STEP was not done on legs...
but buttocks!!! xD
all of us actually slide down~xD
so many funny little incidents hapened during the hike..
making the hike a fun one though tiring as well... my eyes are actually half-opened...
really exhausted!!!
hehe...enjoy some of the pictures kay?
the waterfall upthere was really nice~^.^

the waterfall~

after the muddy trail~xD
[ i'm wearing a shirt with the word bodyglove...and so jeff gave me a BODYGLOVE on my back~ xp ]
okay...time for wash-up~