Kinda obsessed with this application in facebook-- Message from God...
Even though Im not Christian...these messages really reach deep down to my core...and have me so touched and moved~
They are just simply so meaningful and guiding~! ♥
Would like to share these lovely messages with all my loved ones...
Lets put up this faith in Life and Love~ ^^
On this day, God wants you to know... that contentment comes from unconditional love. When you love conditionally, you have to keep deciding if the other is worthy of your love. You can never let go of your guard enough to be content. Why not decide once and for all, and love once and for all. And be content.
On this day, God wants you to know... that there is no need to obsess over a decision. God has more in store for us then we can ever predict, and what we fear are bad choices frequently turn out for the best, because our hidden aspirations know better where we are going than our rational minds.
On this day, God wants you to know... that it's OK. Just rest for a moment. It's OK. Yes, things are crazy, yes, the world is going nuts. Yet, deep underneath the stormy waves, there, in the core of your being, there is pure silence, pure love. And ... it's ... just ... OK.
On this day, God wants you to know... that you cannot let this day pass without telling the people you love that you love them. Do not take for granted the people closest to your heart. Nothing is permanent, celebrate them now
On this day, God wants you to know... that when the night feels very long, remember that a new day is just around the bend. With each new day we are given new hope, new possibilities, new opportunities. Each new day is a miracle.
On this day, God wants you to know... that faith is exactly what it takes to get through uncertainty. Faith is not necessary when you know how things are going to work out, - that's knowledge. It's in the time of unknowing that having faith is what sees you through to the other side. Faith is what gives you strength. Faith is that light in your heart that keeps on shining even when it's all darkness outside. Now is the time to keep that faith alive!
On this day, God wants you to know... that God is glad that you are You. Sure, we all have things we want to change, to improve about ourselves. But underneath the flesh and bone, you are an immortal and perfect soul. Always remember that
On this day, God wants you to know... that the way you know you have found the right one is the inexpressible comfort of feeling safe with the person. Having neither to weigh thoughts nor measure words, but pouring them all right out, just as they are, chaff and grain together; certain that a faithful hand will take and sift them, keep what is worth keeping, and then with the breath of kindness blow the rest away. - a quote by Dinah Craik
On this day, God wants you to know... that you are asked for very little, - just the totality of your being. God demands the totality of your being. That you invest all of yourSelf into celebrating the glory and the preciousness of being alive right now, no holding back and saving for late.
Love to Live...and Live to Love~ Yuensi. ♥